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How To Track Which Sources Event RSVPs Come From
How To Track Which Sources Event RSVPs Come From
Caroline Saltzman avatar
Written by Caroline Saltzman
Updated this week

When you market your event opportunities across different platforms (e.g. LinkedIn, email campaigns, schools' career services), you can use a different RSVP link for each source, these are Tracking Links. This will enable you to track which sources your RSVPs come from without the candidates needing to self disclose how they found out about the event.
To create a Tracking Link for an event, navigate to the event management page and select the event you will be creating a tracking link for. On the even page, click the "RSVP Tracking Links" button.

Then, you can either create a new tracking link using whatever naming convention you'd like or you can use a pre-made tracking link and share it with candidates across your network.

Each Tracking Link you create has two categories of information: a Channel and a Campaign. Use Channels to measure the relative impact of common candidate sources (e.g. LinkedIn, Email, Career Services) and use Campaigns to add specificity to your Channel or strategy (e.g. In-mail outreach, day of the week, subcategory of group that you sent a link to). This will allow you to better understand which of your Channels and messaging Campaigns are leading to event attendees in your analytics.

To create a new Tracking Link, click 'Add Tracking Link'. Then select the 'Channel' from the drop down and click 'Add new Campaign' to be able to name the tracking link whatever you'd like.

Once a tracking link is created, you can copy the link via the 'Share' button. There you will find pre-written text that you can share with your network alongside the link to the event. Or you can copy the actual link itself and write up your own post/communications.

When candidates RSVP, you'll find them in your event management page with a tag correlating with which source they came from! So rest assured that any candidate who RSVPs to your event through your Tracking Link will be attributed to that candidate source.

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